Saturday, 29 May 2021

African Violet

For years I have wanted an African Violet.  For some reason or another I have never bought one.  

Nowhere around here seems to sell them.  I thought about buying leaf cuttings, but only one place seems to sell them and they have minimum purchase numbers.  Also, I don't know how well I would go at growing them from a leaf cutting.

My daughter saw African violets on the internet and really wanted one.  Her birthday was coming up, so I looked on gumtree and found someone selling African violets locally.  

I went over to buy one and none of them were in bloom, most were very small plants.  I think this person had bought leaf cuttings and grew them out for sale.  

I still got one, but my daughter doesn't want a plant, she wants flowers.  I doubt this thing will be ready to flower for a long time, so rather than give it to my daughter ended up keeping it myself.  My daughter's birthday has been and gone, and the plant has not really grown, so I made the right choice not to give this to her.

Hopefully I can keep this African violet alive, and hopefully it flowers for me when it is large enough.  If it flowers maybe I can give it to my daughter then.

African violet in self watering pot

African Violet - too small to flower yet

I got this plant in May 2021, as of 6 January 2022 it started flowering.  Which means it would not have made a good birthday present for a little girl, and I am glad I grew it out rather than giving it to my daughter.  

I'm not sure if I would call this 'light blue' but I still like it.

African Violet in bloom

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Goldfish Barrelponics - mini aquaponics in a barrel

A few years ago I had a small aquarium that had no filter and was cleaned using aquaponics.  It was a tiny system with Endler's livebearers, and it worked incredibly well.  

I recently tried a tinier aquaponics in a jar, which failed miserably.  I have a few ideas which could possibly make it successful.  I need to write a post on that.  

I would love to try a larger aquaponics system with edible fish some day, but fish food is so expensive that I just can't see how it could ever be financially viable.  So for now I will focus on ornamental fish which I already have and am already buying food for them, rather than trying to grow and harvest edible fish.

I currently have a barrel full of goldfish.  I have only had them for a few months, but so far they are growing well and looking healthy.  I decided to make my barrel into a little barrel aquaponics system. 

Various herbs in a floating pot, growing well

Winter is coming, and I know some plants will only grow well over summer while others will do better over winter.  I only have room for one little floating pot at the moment so I decided to plant a mix of herbs and other edible things.  

I planted silverbeet, Vietnamese coriander, water celery, spearmint, and have recently added native river mint.

The native river mint has not been in long enough for me to comment on its growth.  It is growing larger and I have high hopes for it to perform well in here.

I had expected the silverbeet to perform the best out of all these plants in the cooler weather.  So far it has performed poorly, it is alive but not really growing and certainly not thriving.  I am not sure what the problem is, maybe it needs a larger pot volume for the roots, or maybe it just needs more time.  I don't think its roots have grown into the water yet.

Spear mint is a garden thug and loves damp places, so should perform well.  So far it has not fared too well, I think this is due to the cooler weather.  It is growing slowly, and is dropping leaves.  Mint tends to go partly dormant over winter here, so I am not expecting to see a lot of growth from it until things warm up a little.

Water celery has done well, it survives pretty much anything.  Hot, cold, wet, dry, blasting sun, part shade, it always survives.  I had a feeling it would do well in a floating pot, and it has.  Over winter it usually does not grow a lot.  It gets nice colours when the temperature drops.  So far it has done well and is getting larger.

The real stand out so far is the Vietnamese coriander.  This herb generally does not like cooler weather, but has grown like crazy since I put an unrooted cutting in this floating pot.  I suspect most of the roots in the water are from this plant.  Perhaps over winter it will die back somewhat, or maybe it will be protected enough to keep growing, time will tell.  I am confident it will survive and be one of the first to spring into growth when spring hits.  If it grows this well over autumn I can hardly wait to see what it can do over spring and summer!

The roots are growing longer, maybe I won't need a spawning mop in spring

Initially the fish were eating the plant roots as soon as they protruded from the pot.  Now the roots are growing faster than they are being eaten.  This is good as it means the plants have more access to nitrates etc in the water.  I took the above photo a week or two ago, the roots are probably triple that length now, which is a good sign.

I had planned on putting a spawning mop in the barrel in spring, if the roots grow long enough this may not be needed.  Time will tell, perhaps once the fish are larger and the weather is warmer they may devour the roots.

Very simple set up

The barrel only has a small air water interface, it is deep and holds a lot of water, and very little of the water is exposed to the air for gas exchange.  

I have a pot of plants floating on the surface which is reducing the surface area.  I also tend to have some azolla and duckweed on the surface, this is eaten by the fish but while it lasts it reduces the surface area even more.  

The fish are all using oxygen from the water, as are the plant roots, this combined with such a small surface area could be problematic.  I could try to grow some oxygenator plants in the water, but the goldfish eat them out too fast for them to make any noticeable difference to dissolved oxygen levels.

Goldfish are pretty hardy, and can gulp air if needed, but I like my fish.  If I don't want to be cruel to my little fish I needed to put in a pump to oxygenate the water.

I have a small solar pump which brings water from the bottom of the barrel to the surface where is gets oxygenated.  I was originally pumping it straight back into the barrel.  This was not oxygenating as well as I had hoped as it was just a continuous stream of water.  It was increasing the surface area and circulating the water, which is fine in cooler weather, but it needed something better if it is to work well on warmer days.

I then tried pumping the water through a small pot full of gravel, which was working much better.  This pot of gravel breaks up the stream of water and makes it splash and bubble into the barrel.  Much more oxygen plus the fish seem to enjoy swimming through the stream of splashing water.

water pumped through a tiny pot of gravel

azolla and duckweed are eaten by the fish

The little pot of gravel did a great job at breaking the flow of water, but did little for housing the nitrifying bacteria and improving water quality.  Now I have a milk bottle of gravel that I pump the water through.  

The milk bottle provides more gravel and housing sites for the good bacteria, and should slightly lower nitrates in the water column.  The water splashes out of the milk bottle and oxygenates the barrel water.  I haven't planted anything in it yet but it is large enough that I will be able to grow a few plants in there.

I have some wire on top of the barrel to prevent birds from stealing the fish.  At the moment I sit the milk bottle on top of that.  It is easy enough to lift this off whenever I want to feed the fish or whatever.  The fish are really interactive, so it is nice to lift off the wire and be able to see them better.

Milk bottle of gravel to be used as a small grow bed

The barrel full of fish

I know what you are thinking, and you are correct.  That tiny pot of herbs along with a milk bottle of gravel is not enough to clean an entire barrel's worth of water.  

At the moment the weather is cooling and the fish are not eating much, they not producing much waste, so the small floating pot of herbs along with the azolla and duckweed is going ok.  I am also doing small water changes each week, and putting the nutrient rich water on fruit trees and on the vegetable garden.  At this point in time this is keeping the nitrates low enough.

Hopefully my little fish all survive the winter.  Once the weather warms the fish will eat more, and grow more, and they will produce significantly more waste.  

I have plans for a small flood and drain grow bed to put on top of the barrel.  I plan to pump the water through the grow bed instead of the milk bottle of gravel.  I would love to grow some nutrient hungry vegetables up there including tomatoes and kangkong (I love kangkong).  I don't want to do that until after winter has ended.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Strawberry Raspberry hybrids - test results

I attempted to hybridise a strawberry with a raspberry, and I wrote numerous blog posts along the way documenting the progress. 

I produced a few F1 plants, and from them some F2 plants.  These plants displayed various morphological differences from both parent species.  The plants looked superficially similar to a strawberry, and a lot of aggressive people said this cross was impossible, so I could not be certain that they were true hybrids without getting them independently tested.  

The CSIRO offered to test some leaf samples for me to determine if they were hybrids.  Long story short, based on protein and peptide level evidence it appears that the F1 and F2 plants are intergeneric strawberry raspberry hybrids.  

No one has ever achieved this cross before.  This means my plants are the first ever documented intergeneric hybrids between strawberry (Fragaria sp) and raspberry (Rubus sp). 

The results can be seen below.  The set size represents the number of peptides detected from the samples (multiple peptides make a protein at the end).  The number on top of each column represents the peptides detected from each sample type.  You can see that the HF2 is completely different from each parent species and HF1. 

Strawberry Raspberry Hybrid
Strawberry Raspberry Hybrid - proteomics results

 The below chart represents the top 20 peptide functional classes associated with the four sample type.  These results also show the similarity and dissimilarity between the sample types based on their measured peptides.

Strawberry Raspberry hybrids independently tested

My first F1 plants germinated in 2017 and the F2 in 2019.  It has been such a long process that I was starting to worry that I would never have these tested, or that the results would be inconclusive.  It is great to have such definitive results. 

My strawberry raspberry hybrids are vigorous and set a lot of fruit.  The taste of these strawberry x raspberry hybrids varies from plant to plant from sour to bland to really incredible.  

While there is a naming convention for binomial nomenclature, giving them a common name may be more difficult.  My daughter wants to call them "Stinkleberries".  I kind of love that name, but don't think people would want to eat them.

Below are some pictures of the leaf samples.  I have described many of the morphological differences in previous blog posts.

F1 above, strawberry and raspberry parents below

F1 above, strawberry parent below

F2 on left, F1 on right

Leaf samples that I sent

I'm not sure what to do from here.  These F1 and F2 plants could potentially be crossed with other species or other hybrids.  This holds a lot of potential for breeding new plants with increased disease resistance and/or novel tasting berries without using genetic engineering. 

It is amazing to think that this was thought to be impossible yet was achieved in my back yard, in my spare time, with no specialised equipment, and extremely limited access to germplasm.  Imagine what could be done if I had more time and money to invest in projects like this.  

If you want to help me in my plant breeding projects such as this feel free to buy something through my for sale page or even donate a few dollars to me through my PayPal.

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Leaf insects

I bought my son some spiny leaf insects for Christmas.  They were rather small when we got them.  They have grown so much!

My son wants to hatch the eggs when the time comes.  We ended up getting three females and one male.  They are parthenocarpic so can produce viable eggs without a male, but having a male should make the offspring a little stronger and healthier. 



The female is fat and spiny

The male is smoother and skinnier

Female spiny leaf insect on the left, male on the right

They eat eucalyptus leaves, don't make much sound, and look pretty cool.  Other than that I don't have much to say about them.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Pink Gem Corn

I grew some glass gem corn with the kids.  I planted the seeds in blocks of similar colours.  Some of the pinks grew almost exclusively pink cobs.

Glass gem corn carries a lot of recessive genes, so much like the cobs below these will still throw the odd seed of a different colour. They still look very pretty and are loved by my daughters.

I saved the seeds from the pink cobs separately from the mixed coloured cobs.  If planted in a block it should produce cobs that are almost entirely pink, with just a few kernels of other colours.  I removed most of the different colour seeds, but left in some of the purple and some of the blue that my kids thought looked more purple.  I also left in some of the whites as they seemed to be light pink rather than true white.

All of these carry at least one gene for pink colour.  Unless they are planted too close to other corn and are cross pollinated, they should produce cobs as pink as the ones above.

If you want to grow pink popcorn I sell the pink gem corn seeds through my for sale page.

Pink Gem Popcorn