Saturday 6 November 2021

Pink dandelion - Taraxacum pseudoroseum

There are a few different species of dandelion, the one that is common in lawns is Taraxacum officionale.  It grows pretty yellow flowers, and is edible and useful in many ways.  For some reason people often dislike this lovely and useful plant.

One of the other species of dandelion is the pink dandelion, Taraxacum pseudoroseum, it is still edible and useful, but it grows delightful pink flowers instead of the usual bright yellow ones.  

A pink dandelion, how incredible! 

Pink dandelion in bloom

Pink dandelion Australia
Pink dandelion flower

Pink dandelion

Strangely enough, there are very few web pages that talk about pink dandelions.  Most of those are copied from one another, so there is little information on how to grow them or what to expect from pink dandelion plants.  I am growing pink dandelions, so I figured I would write a little about them.

Pink dandelion flowering 

Pink dandelions, just like regular dandelions, are perennial vegetables.  Dandelions have a great many uses in a permaculture garden, basically every animal eats them and they are far more nutritious than most vegetables.  The leaves of pink dandelion taste much like regular dandelions, and while I am yet to taste the roots I am told they taste pretty similar to regular yellow dandelions too.

Pink dandelion flowers start out yellow and the outside goes white then turns pink over a few days.  They are very rarely entirely pink, most of the time the center remains yellow.  The outside gets rather dark pink on its last day, which looks great with the yellow center.

Pink dandelion seeds ready for planting

The plant itself looks much like a regular dandelion, to be honest I am not sure that I could tell them apart when not in bloom.  Much like regular dandelions they do prefer a lot of water and do not cope if it is too dry.  Full sun to part shade seems to do these plants well.  It takes very little effort to grow pink dandelion plants.

I am happy to say that frosts do not bother pink dandelions.  Mine were also hit with hail more times than I care to mention.  Not surprisingly, none of this was a big deal for these plants because they are very hardy.

Sadly pink dandelions are not as hardy or as vigorous as regular dandelions, so the chances of this finding its way into your lawn are pretty low.

The leaves look and taste similar to a regular dandelion

Pink dandelions are yellow when they first open

The center stays yellow

The white part will turn pink

One thing I have noticed is that pink dandelion flowers open in the mornings and close in the afternoons.  It means that they are not the greatest of cut flowers as they tend to close up each night.  They do reopen each day, so it isn't a great loss.

Pink dandelion starting to close for the day

I think dandelions are great in general, and I think that pink dandelions are just delightful.  As soon as I am able I plan to try and save seed from these and grow some more of these plants.  

My plants are still relatively young, and have only had half a dozen or so blooms.  More flowers are on their way, and seeds are ripening.  

Once the seeds are ready, if they don't float away on the breeze, I will try to plant them and grow more of these pink dandelions.

Pink dandelion seeds

If I ever have extra pink dandelion plants, or pink dandelion seeds, I will list them on my for sale page so others can also enjoy growing these lovely plants.

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